Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I blame it on Marcy

I've updated the "Boobage" post for fear that I was offending anyone in a bad way. I say "bad way" because I think that there is good offensive as well. If you can offend someone but still make them laugh, than thats good. If you offend someone and it makes them want to use lawn equipment on you, than thats bad. I think that I was hearing people firing up the weed wacker so it was time to do something about it. As I said in the title, I blame this all on Marcy. If she were doing her job, she would have headed this off before I could have caused any harm. If there is somebody who should feel remorse, its her. I can loan you some pruning shears if you'd like...

1 comment:

Hawaii Dano said...

Don't blame the messenger, blame the message.