Friday, May 12, 2006

Have boob, will nibble

The evil one has struck again.  Last night, after dinner, I was doing some sort of manly endeavor when I heard Marcy scream from the bedroom where she was feeding Brynna.  I ran in to see Marcy standing next to the bed holding her, ahhhh, self and B-Girl lying on the bed laughing hysterically.  Apparently B-Girl had muckled onto mommy with her new teeth and found great joy at mommy’s reaction.  Your nursing days may be numbered little girl.


Marcy said...

It wasn't so much of a scream as complete shock that Brynna found my pain funny. I tried my best not to frighten her by reacting too loudly. Apparently no worries there!

rick is! said...

phew, you're not mad at me. I wasn't sure if I crossed the line on this one...

Marcy said...

Don't want to use my "censorship" rights too often.

Dena said...

Skylar did that too! Now I am gun-shy and the pump has been working overtime.