Friday, April 07, 2006

Scary (not for the faint of heart)

Ok, its disturbing dream time. Over the years I’ve been known to have some amazingly bizarre dreams. The dreams are bizarre enough that when I recount them to friends they seriously consider running away or calling the authorities. I’m not talking about anything violent or indecent, simply weird. Since reaching adulthood (and I use that term loosely) the strangeness seems to have waned a bit and in fact, I remember far fewer dreams as I used to.

Well, last night I had a dream to rival some of my older dreams. While not as long or graphic as some of the classics, last nights dream ranks near the top simply by its extreme twisted nature. Since B-Girl is seven months old right now, I spend a good portion of my day either thinking about her or spending time with her. Last night, Marcy wasn’t feeling well so I had sole parental obligations for the evening and I’m afraid that even though Brynna was in a great mood that something snapped in my brain.

The details are a bit fuzzy as they typically are but the main point of the dream was that Marcy and I, for some odd reason, had a mini baby to help us through the first few months of Brynna’s childhood. Don’t ask me how the mini-b was helping us, it just was. Anyway, the baby was small enough that it was able to crawl around in the palm of my hand. In my dream, we were approaching the time that we would no longer “need” the mini-b anymore and I was unsure what to do with it. I had grown very attached to it apparently. Not knowing what to do, I asked Tina (who happens to be a physicians assistant at a pediatricians office and has a baby almost one month older than Brynna) what she did with her mini-c. She said, this is where it gets disturbing, that she ate it. SHE ATE IT!!!!! Sensing my dismay (possibly from the look of horror and disgust on my face) she explained that it was perfectly normal and that eventually, when the time was right, Marcy too would do the same. I think that this is when I woke up to check to see if I had wet myself.

Does anybody know a good shrink?

Marzipan baby. Friggin creepy.


Tina Browne said...

Oh my!! Maybe you got an email recently with the Marzipan babies, little realistic looking babies made of sugar that people eat, and that was on your conscious. Otherwise, I'm not quite sure what to tell you, except yes I know a great therapist you should talk to.

Dena said...
