Thursday, March 23, 2006

I win!

Thursday, upon arriving at Sugarbush, we settled into the room for a bit before heading out for dinner.  I unpacked the car while Marcy and Brynna played on the bed.  Once done unloading the car, I came up to join them for a bit.  When I sat on the bed, Brynna rolled over, looked at me and in her cutest (please buy me a bmw) voice said “da…da”.  Marcy and I were elated that B-Girl would make a noise that wasn’t a growl, scream or squeal.  We of course made a huge fuss about the whole thing so for the rest of the weekend all we heard was “da da da da da da DA DA Da Da da da ………”  I know that the baby experts say that at this age, the child really doesn’t know what they are saying but not once over the weekend did Brynna look directly at Marcy (or anybody else for that matter) and say “da da” but she did it to me every morning before launching into her daily mantra.  Lets hear it for me!  Daddy rules, mommy drools.

So this would put the score at:  daddy-1  mommy-1042


Dena said...

So did she get the Beemer? Or did she go for the pretty pony? haahaa...

rick is! said...

She already has a my little pony. does that count?