Monday, January 23, 2006

rice cereal and stuff

Well, whats new. Last week I mentioned that Brynna had started eating her rice cereal with gusto, quickly going through 3-4 tablespoons (mixed with about 3 oz of essence of boob). Over the weekend though she has started an interest and disturbing new trend. She still eats it but likes to make you work for it. Instead of opening wide to accept the spoon, she will open wide as if to take the spoon and then quickly turn her head and stick her thumb in. As soon as you pull the spoon away, out the thumb comes. She likes the cereal so I don’t believe that this is a way to keep from eating it, I just think that it’s a fun game for her. Its gotten to the point that she’s really starting to test our reflexes, we have to be so quick jamming the spoon in that occasionally she’ll end up with the cereal in her nose, all over her hands etc. Annoying as it is, it’s also pretty damn cute, especially when she gives you that LOOK while doing it. Like Calia, she has also started to take great interest in glasses, beer bottles etc. Just yesterday while sitting on the couch with me drinking a beer (me, not her) she started to lovingly caress the beer bottle with her left hand. Eventually she convinced the right hand (more on this later) to join in on the fun. She quickly grabbed the bottle with both hands and brought it to her face. Initially her aim was a bit off and she ended up bringing it to her eye but on the second try, she was successful enough to bring it to her mouth. Given the opportunity, I’m sure that she would have figured out how to tip it up and guzzle like a champ.

On the right hand front, I’m convinced that somehow her whole right hand and arm was switched with another baby while at the hospital. Occasionally, for no apparent reason, her right arm will begin to flail in large sweeping motions as if by its own free will. Somewhere in central Maine another baby is growing concern about a right arm that just doesn’t seem to be working correctly.

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