If you're looking for a cheap place to ski with good trails, lots of glades and a sweet lodge definitely check out Saddleback. Marcy and I went up there this past weekend and it was a blast.
When we got back on Monday, Brynna was scheduled to go in for her 18 month check-up and it looks like our little porker is finally slimming out. Her weight is now 25.6 lbs (70%), her height is 33 1/4" (75%) but thankfully her melon still leads the pack at 19.3" (97%). Yippee!
I crushed under the pressure and upgraded to google blogger and lost site-meter and counter. I advise you to save your numbers if you go that way.
I've been fixing it for over an hour, but good news is no blogs were lost...
I did that for racin rick. You can actually put site meter back in but you need to do it in the edit html mode.
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