Monday, August 01, 2005

lets keep this "G" rated

Ok, so Marcy warned me the other day that I may want to watch what I put on this blog since hundreds upon thousands, uhh, no, lets make that a handful of people check it out when they have nothing else to do at work. Therefore, I should be careful what I write about. For example, I drew and amazingly funny sketch of the whole "doggie style gurney" (see previous post) that I wanted to add to the story. Unfortunately (for me and probably fortunate for everybody else) Marcy intervened and I didn't post it so as not offend anyone. It seems that some people don't understand my "humor" all of the time. I put "humor" in quotes because it is actually very subjective after all. What one person finds funny can be quite vulgar to another. Hmmm, whoda thunk it? I could talk about poop and boogers all day and have a hell of a time.

So anyway, here is my "G" rated joke of the day:

What did the zero say to the eight?...drumroll please...Nice belt!

Tee hee, that was f-in funny.
Damn censors.


rick is! said...

Sorry, but the boss won't allow it...

Joe said...

Who's wearing the pants over there anyway?!?

rick is! said...

I wear the pants but I have a pretty pink thong that I wear underneath...

Marcy said...

I give you permission.