Monday, February 20, 2006


Over the weekend Marcy, Kevin and I were talking about the babies while watching Norwich and Colby tie in a D3 hockey game and I came to the realization that at about 6 months of age there are basically three types of babies, the type that sticks its ass in the air and pushes with her feet but not getting cooperation from the arms (this used to be Brynna), the type that prefers to stay on her back and scoot along using her feet (this would be Calia) and the type who spins around in circles like some sort of possessed pinwheel (that would be Brynna now).

I’m not sure of the exact reason for this but I’m guessing that it has something to do with her giant head acting as a fulcrum to spin around.  She’s yet to go anywhere in a straight line but she can do it in a loopdee-doo fashion though.

1 comment:

Tina Browne said...

Calia alternates between the "ass in the air with no cooperation from arms" and the "back scooter" She has even managed to do a sommersalt using the ass in air method.