Brynna has made the jump from California roll style sushi (cooked crab rolled with nori, rice, avacado and cucumber) to full-on raw fish style sushi; salmon to be exact.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Best money ever spent?
As a parent, the hardest time of day is often the hour after getting home trying to get dinner going while a whining toddler dangles from your leg. Well, those days are gone, for now at least. With the daylight hours and nice weather dwindling quickly we decided to give B her birthday present a little early. Its a new sandbox with a clever lowering cover to keep animals (grace) at bay when it's not being used. Upon seeing it for the first time on Sunday, Brynna promptly spent two straight hours in it while essentially ignoring our existance. Oh the bliss! Don't get me wrong, we love spending time with the big headed midget but sometimes the hundredth "whatcha doin" starts to get on your nerves and we've been needing some place to stick B on such occasions. At least until the padded room is finished.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Brynna is a vegetarian no more. For the first 18 months of her life about all she would eat was cheese, fruit and vegetables. We could usually get her to eat fish but that was it as far as meat went. How things have changed. Apparently she had a recessive carnivorous gene that has been awakened and we now sometimes have a hard time getting her to eat anything but meat. Case in point, the other night we had a very nice 2" thick porterhouse steak with dinner and B loved it so much she ate right from the bone.
mmm, steak
more steak!
kindly sharing with daddy.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Picture in picture
I love pictures you can look at and find something new in it each time. Take this picture below for example. It's of Calia opening presents at her 2yr birthday party (I actually stole the pic from Tina's blog). At first glance it looks like your birthday party.

Look a bit closer though and you'll see a very upset Brynna in the background. Why is B upset? Well, just before this pic was taken B was standing and watching happily while Calia opened away. Calia, sensing Brynna was feeling left out walked over and handed her a pair of orange candy corn pants. B immediately fell into my lap and starting crying. Why she cried about this we'll never know, I can only assume it's because she's deathly affraid of candy corns. Again, I'm not sure why but it may have something to do with when, as an infant, I'd set her across the room and shoot candy corns at her to pass the time. Who knows.

Look a bit closer though and you'll see a very upset Brynna in the background. Why is B upset? Well, just before this pic was taken B was standing and watching happily while Calia opened away. Calia, sensing Brynna was feeling left out walked over and handed her a pair of orange candy corn pants. B immediately fell into my lap and starting crying. Why she cried about this we'll never know, I can only assume it's because she's deathly affraid of candy corns. Again, I'm not sure why but it may have something to do with when, as an infant, I'd set her across the room and shoot candy corns at her to pass the time. Who knows.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
the sophisticated palate
How many toddlers do you know who eat nothing but hot dogs or peanut butter or just plain refuse to eat anything. Brynna isn't one of those toddlers. As a matter of fact, she constantly amazes us with what she's willing to eat. She is regularly spotted eating things most toddlers, and some adults wouldn't be caught dead eating such as herbed brie (Marcy) and sushi (she started out with california rolls but has progressed to some actual raw fish rolls like tuna and salmon). A couple of weeks ago she upped the ante by eating an entire portabello mushroom cap stuffed with spinach, onion, feta, garlic and parmesan cheese. In case you've never had portabellos before, they have an extremely strong flavor and thats before you factor in the onion, garlic and feta. Joe, do you think Michael and Enzo might want me to make some for them? Come to think of it, I don't think Joe and Sally would eat them either.
Looks yummy.

down the hatch

Looks yummy.
down the hatch
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
more photos...
"Whatcha mean, farts aren't funny? Daddy says they are."
"Dude, I rock!"
Naked grass sittin'.
"Lemme see, I don't think I've pissed in this room."
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
more photos...
"Whatcha mean, farts aren't funny? Daddy says they are."
"Dude, I rock!"
Naked grass sittin'.
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