Another Turkey Day has come and gone in DAMNelson land and once again it was a true test of our mental and physical stamina. The day started out nicely with a quiet early morning at home but by 10:30 it was time to load up the wagons and head to the land of eternal blight. Actually, the areas that our parents live in are pretty nice but you have to travel through some pretty depressing areas to get there so at least it gives us something to be thankful for.
Stop one was at Mimi Jo and Papa Don’s for some lunch gluttony. Marcy and I both wisely took only small portions so as to not be doubled over in pain come 7pm. Unfortunately, once the pie made its appearance I was done for and quickly devoured two mighty pieces of chocolate cream pie. Yummy-liscous but unfortunately I went from merely satisfied to uncomfortably bloated in less than ten minutes. Woopsie, my bad.
After the meal, B-Girl did her best to entertain the crowd of droopy eyed carnivores. She also worked a bit on her dog-open-mouth-kissing routine giving Georgia (mimi and papa’s dog) an open mouth kiss. I’ll spare you the details but lets just say Georgia did some exploratory work within B’s open mouth. So sweet.

Two hours later, it was off to stop number two at the land of Lucas. There we successfully ate only very small portions. The highlight of the visit was B getting to play with her kinda cousin Trinity. Neither has quite learned to share but overall they got along real well and played nicely.
Next, it was off to tthe original Nelsons ™ (now with less sugar!) for big ole feast number three. Marcy and I were starting to feel a bit turkey weary so I ate strictly veggies, salad and a piece of strawberry cheesecake the size of a hubcap. Woopsie again!
Another successful family visit whirlwind.

Oh yeah, and since my post a couple weeks ago about B’s lack of verbal skills she has unleashed with an onslaught of new words. Some new favorites are, mimi (for mimi jo), papa (for papa don), da-di (for daddy of course), ma-ma (much more consistently now), babow (for bottle), ba-bi (for baby, her dolls), dow (for dog), iti (for kitty), tee (for tree), ba-bye, na-nite, mo (for more), eat (for, uh, eat), no( for nose), eye, up and how can I forget, No, No, No, No, No!