I’ve been looking at my recent posts today and noticed a degradation in both content and writing style. I’m not sure of the reason for this, it could be a number of things. First off, my creativity started to wane when I changed jobs. I don’t think that is because my new job is sucking the life out of me, it’s the exact opposite actually. At JMA, my focus had started to decline near the end and therefore I had some extra time to think of funny things to say. Having a new job that is keeping me on my toes hasn’t allowed me much time to let my mind wander into the dark side of my brain where all of the poop and booger jokes linger. Another possibility is that nothing funny has happened to me recently. I don’t truly believe that to be the case though since I can usually find humor in just about any situation. Who else can find humor in an umbilical cord hanging out of a woman’s who-who? I can and I believe that to be my one true gift. The third reason, and the one that I’m going to hang my hat on since it provides the most potential for my personal benefit, is that my creativity has declined since I stopped riding on a regular basis. In the last two months I can count the number of rides that I’ve had on one hand. I can only assume that my lack of wit recently is the result of brain atrophy set into motion because in recent months it hasn’t needed to process multiple images, actions, balancing, butt puckering etc as I pinball down a trail on the edge of control (and beyond the edge of good judgment). No muscle can be expected to survive such inactivity.
With that in mind (and the fact that I had a shiny new-to-me bike sitting in the basement) I decided to go out for a quick road ride last night. It was a beautiful day yesterday and probably one of our last 50+deg days of the year so I knew that I needed to take advantage. After getting permission from my two bosses (Marcy and Brynna) I set out for my ride at 6:30 last night. Of course, as soon as I stepped out of the door, it started to rain. Not a downpour by any stretch, just a steady, persistent light rain. Despite the rain, I had a great ride on my new bike and managed to stay warm despite being soaked through. Overall, it was a great ride and I think that it was the impetus of me writing this, my longest post in some time.

A stunt double of my new bike. The setup is nearly identical except mine has flat bars and a flite tt seat.